The Tale of Ten Crowns


Have the disappointments, challenges, and unexpected twists and turns of life snatched your confidence and caused your proverbial crown to be crooked? Have life experiences caused you to forget who and whose you are or, have you always been unaware? Regardless of where you are and what you may have faced, you have an opportunity to retrace the truth about your identity as you regain your confidence and reclaim your crown.

Experience a royal awakening as author, Dr. Nicole Steele, takes readers on a self-reflecting journey through her penned parable, The Tale of Ten Crowns. Gain insight on how to overcome life situations and recognize the saboteurs designed to distract or discourage us along our journey.

Tale of Ten Crowns will empower you to…

  • Recapture your calling.
  • Regain your confidence.
  • Reclaim your power.


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